Former Secret Service Agent Files Lawsuit Against The Entire Clinton Machine – ‘The Gang Is All There.’

by Ruby Henley

A court document dated June 15, 2018 contains the following –





c/o P.O. Box 119

Morton, Pennsylvania 19070

(Actual home address withheld due to death threats and related danger to Plaintiff from

Enterprise Defendants, Surrogates, Participants and Others – such address can be provided to the

District Court under seal)”


GARY J. BYRNE served in federal law enforcement for nearly thirty years, in the U.S. Air Force Security Police, the Uniformed Division of the Secret Service, and most recently as a Federal Air Marshal. In his first book, #1 New York Times bestseller CRISIS OF CHARACTER, he shared his experiences as the first Secret Service employee compelled to testify in a criminal case against a sitting U.S. president.” He boldly made the decision to write the book when he became concerned the woman he knew so well could possibly become the next President of the United States.

Although Bill Clinton was the President of the United States during Byrne’s tenure, he was most impressed with Hillary Clinton, the First Lady of the United States. He describes her as two different people.

Most people are at their best in public, but Hillary does not have a best.  She is psychotic and treats those under her as if they are mere chattel. People are meant to be used in her estimation, and they are stepping stones for her feet.

As far as her relationship with Bill Clinton, when the cameras are on she smiles and holds his hand.  But in reality Hillary Clinton does not like men period, especially her husband.

Byrne says that all the “gossip” you have heard about the Clintons is absolutely true.  He actually attributes the downfall of the FBI to the couple. He said when they left Arkansas for the White House, the White House became Arkansas.

Hillary Clinton does not take ‘no’ for an answer.  She does not respect the process of law in government, as she simply demands what she wants when she wants it.   If she does not get it, someone’s life will be hell. He even admitted he covered up evidence against the Clintons as their Secret Service Agent.

Byrne went as far as to say that he had discovered tissues in Bill Clinton’s private study with lipstick and fluid on them.  He made it sound as if he spent most of his time cleaning up for Clinton crimes. Also, my take is Hillary was never the long-suffering wife of a philanderer – she only played that part.

He amazingly said that she and Bill turned the FBI into their political machine, and they were determined to do it the minute they stepped into the White House. Bottom line for Byrne is – the Clinton reign ended the rule of law and the Republic of the United States.


Gary Byrne knows more about the Clinton’s than virtually anyone having served as Secret Service protection during Bill’s Presidency.  Earlier this week he has filed a civil RICO suit against the Clintons and their most notorious cronies.


When I said,  ‘the gang is all here,’ Byrne is not just suing the Clintons, he is suing the entire Clinton machine of cronies.  BOOM!

The plaintiff, Gary John Byrne, has brought the lawsuit, summons have been issued, and the suit is on the court docket as we speak.



Case Number: 1:2018cv01422

Filed: June 15, 2018

Court: District Of Columbia District Court

Office: Washington, DC Office

County: 88888

Presiding Judge: Paul L. Friedman

Nature of Suit: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations

Cause of Action: 18:1961

Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff


As you can see Gary Byrne is suing all the gang, and it makes me most happy.  He even mentioned he would like to find the truth about what happened to Seth Rich.


Pray for Gary Byrne, as his life is in danger.  Most of all Gary fears for his life and his family’s life, and he has asked to court to intervene to stop his own murder.


District Of Columbia District Court
Judge: Paul L Friedman
Case #: 1:18-cv-01422
Nature of Suit 470 Other Statutes - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
Cause 18:1961 Racketeering (RICO) Act
Case Filed: Jun 15, 2018

John Podesta
Washington, DC 20016

Apparently, somebody just filed a RICO Act claim against @HillaryClinton. It’s interesting that nothing has popped up in the media.

CASE #: 1:18-cv-01422-PLF BYRNE v. CLINTON FOUNDATION et al Demand: $1,550,000,000 Cause: 18:1961 Racketeering (RICO) Act

You can follow Gary’s lawsuit here –

“Hillary Clinton was a White House monster when she was first lady.

That’s the assertion in a new book called “Crisis of Character” by Gary Byrne, which hits stores Tuesday.

One of Hillary the Monster’s favorite targets was Vince Foster, according to Byrne, a member of the Secret Service who was stationed in the White House during the Clinton administration.

Foster was the lawyer who relocated to Washington from Arkansas after his childhood pal, Bill Clinton, was elected president.

“Word circulated that (Hillary Clinton) berated (Foster) mercilessly … I knew what it was like to be yelled at by superiors, but Mrs. Clinton never hesitated to launch a tirade,” wrote Byrne.

Byrne doesn’t know the half of it — which I’m now going to tell you.

Foster committed suicide in McLean, Va.’s, Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993. The 48-year-old shot himself in the head. Friends later reported that he was very — maybe even clinically — depressed.

At the time, there were suspicions of murder and coverups. Foster had, after all, been involved in many of the Clintons’ questionable financial transactions, both as their lawyer and as a participant in those deals. And those deals were getting increasingly embarrassing for the Clintons as well as others in Arkansas and Washington.

All of the deals came to be known by the name of just one — Whitewater.

I was investigating the Clintons back then for The Post because this started out mainly as a financial story — a big one. And toward the end of the 1990s, I got to see a large number of documents from the Whitewater investigation, most of which have not been seen by outsiders.

So now I’m going to add to Byrne’s stories about Hillary. Most of this stuff has, until now, been overlooked because the focus has been on Bill Clinton and his sexual shenanigans back then.

Some of you will argue that this is ancient history and shouldn’t be dredged up. But whenever someone runs for the highest office in the country, their whole life becomes relevant.

Hillary has rightly raised some ancient bankruptcies of Donald Trump, her likely Republican foe. It’s relevant.

Before they got to the White House, Hillary and Foster were good friends. Some suspected they were even more than that, evidenced by the fact that Foster was caught slapping Hillary’s backside at a birthday party one night at a Little Rock bar.

That story was told to me more than 15 years ago by Arkansas state troopers who witnessed it and thought the two were having an affair, although they didn’t have any hard evidence.

Lisa Foster, Vince’s widow, was even asked by an investigator about the relationship between Hillary and her late husband but she refused to discuss it. The investigator thought that was suspicious, but Lisa threatened to stop talking unless the subject was changed. “Her face got red and she was a little upset,” said the investigator of Foster.

So it must have been a shock to Vince Foster when he got to the White House in an exalted position, thrilled that his old friend had won the presidency and his good pal, Hillary, was also in a position of power — only to be put down by her at every turn.

Lisa Foster told the investigator that Vince “couldn’t laugh, couldn’t smile” during his time at the White House. “He was from a law firm [the Rose Law firm] where they would handle one thing at a time. Suddenly, he’s got 40 things going on at one time,” the investigator told me.

Among those multiple things on his plate were probes of the Clintons’ firing of workers in the White House travel office, the Whitewater transaction, other financial transactions of the Clintons and likely testimony before Congress.

Vince Foster even made an appointment with a psychiatrist shortly before he died, but he killed himself before that meeting.

A suicide note was found — but not until six days after he died. And it was suspiciously located in his briefcase, torn to pieces with one piece missing. The briefcase was supposedly searched right after his death and — again presumably — no suicide note was discovered.

The contents of the note were never released and Lisa refused to discuss the matter with an investigator. There were rumors that it wasn’t even a suicide note — that it was just the ramblings of a disgruntled White House insider written well before he took his life.

People in Whitewater special prosecutor Ken Starr’s office had a lot of questions about the note.

Specifically, they wanted to know why Bill Clinton was told about the note so much later than Hillary was told. Bernie Nussbaum, counsel to the president, told Hillary about the note and “she had said he should handle it and was emotional,” according to a previously undisclosed document from Starr’s office.

“Nussbaum did not say whether he had actually shown HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] the note,” according to the document.

On July 27 — seven days after Foster’s suicide — there was a meeting about the note. Lisa Foster was heading to Washington later that day and “[White House chief of staff Mack] McLarty was present when Lisa came to the White House and saw the note. She was more composed than he expected,” according to the document.

President Clinton was apparently busy that day and still hadn’t been told of the note. McLarty eventually told him. “Mack does not believe the president knew about the note before he told him,” the Starr document said. McLarty was asked: “Does it puzzle you that the first lady had not told the president about the note? and Mack said, ‘No.’ ”

Hillary has a lot of secrets and others will be coming out over the next few months. As I’ve been saying, the Democrats should have picked a better candidate.”


As you can see, Gary Byrne has a reason to fear for his life, and he is an American hero.  I thank him for his courage and his honesty.

I hope you watch Jason Goodman’s interview with Byrne, as it is very revealing.